Thursday, October 20, 2022

Takahe Swimming

 Last term we went to New Windsor for 2 weeks of swimming lessons. It was so much fun. We were learning about how to be safe near the beach and what can we do if need help. We were learning to float and underwater skills. 

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Takahe Learning Through Play

 Kia ora 

During Takahe Learning Through Play, children play to practise skills, try out possibilities and discover new challenges, leading to deeper learning. Play allows children to communicate ideas, to understand others through social interaction, paving the way to build deeper understanding and more powerful relationships.

Watch our video to see our creative learning through exploration - 

Visit us again to see more of our learning in Takahe

Sunday, August 7, 2022

Gruffalo - Google drawings


Takahe - Learn, Create, Share 

Visit our blog to see more of our digital creations on our blog. 

By Akesa & Taylen

Saturday, July 23, 2022

 Kia ora whanau

Welcome back to school for Term 3! 

We are looking forward to having all of our students back at school every day this term.Last term we said farewell to Lilly Kuhn. This term we welcome Sarah Te Tai and Monique Humphrey to Takahē team. Whaea Sarah will be with us from Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays and Ms Humphrey on Thursdays and Fridays. Mrs Krystal Murray will also be with us every Wednesday. 
Our Covid Health and Safety protocols are below, we are currently at Orange level.  Please feel free to come to the class spaces and meet with us before and after school. 
Our Takahē Cafe is open this term in Room 8 from 8.30am to 9am every day.  Please come with your child and join us for Breakfast Club, music and stories. We are looking forward to sharing a cup of tea or coffee and having a chat with you.  This term we will be sending home learning activities each week so please help your child to bring their Home Learning Journals and Book bags to school every day.
The Slide deck below has links to each week's planning. There are also lots of learning activities on the Distance Learning page of this website site. We share student learning on Class Dojo every day and on our Takahē and Mathematics blogs. Please email me if you need a code to register for Class Dojo.
You can email me at if you have any questions about your child's learning or need help of any kind. Looking forward to a great term,
Nga mihi nuiHeidi Rose, Takahē Team Leader

Friday, June 17, 2022

Celebrating Matariki

Matariki is such a special time of year. The children in Takahē have been working hard to create artwork and use Digital Technology to research facts about Matariki.

Friday, June 10, 2022

Pink Shirt Day

We celebrated kindness by wearing pink! It was such a nice and special day celebrating kindess together as a whole school!!

Samoan Language week

This Term we celebrated Samoan Language week. Children came to school dressed in traditional Samoan clothing. We had such a fun day ceebrating together

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Nga mihi nui for all the aroha and mahi you have shown us this week. Here is the video we presented at the whole school celebration of Te Wiki o Reo Maori today.

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Celebrating Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori

Happy Te Reo Māori language week. This site has great interactive activities for you to do at home with your whanau. Make sure to check it out!

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Parent Feedback Survey September 2021

Hi everyone, this is a survey for parents to fill out for Mr Reddy. Please copy and paste the link below to fill out this survey

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Distance Learning Slides

Check out the amazing online learning Takahe children have been doing while they have been at home with their whanau!

Monday, August 23, 2021

Pasifika learning Hub
Please copy and paste the link to view more resources that can be used during your time at home with you whananu

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Daily Google Meet link Please copy and paste the link to join Takahe's daily google meet. We look forward to seeing you there! Takahe Team

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

message from Mr Reddy

Kia ora e te whanau, As you may be aware Auckland and New Zealand is under alert level 4 from tonight midnight (Auckland for 7 days). I know that by going into a lockdown, it may be distressing for some but I want you to all know that I believe in our hapori-community as we have overcome this together before. Also by going into another Level 4 lockdown, we will be saving lives and stopping the spread of COVID19 - a possible Delta variant. The school will be closed tomorrow for 7 days, we will be email and post on our website about distance learning and I am sure teachers will be in contact via Class Dojo and email by tomorrow morning on our team sites - I want to thank you all again for your courage and resilience during these times and please know that we are here to support our tamariki and whanau. We encourage you to visit the following site for guidance on talking to our tamariki about COVID19- We will also be organising kai, learning packs and devices but we will await Ministry of Education directions about this. As always please show manaakitanga during this time and please do email me on as needed. Aroha nui Lou Reddy and Wēteri Kura

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Sunny Mondays

We enjoyed spending the morning in the sun. We are learning about tunnels in our local area, so we made different tunnels using different materials and equipment.

Thursday, August 12, 2021

The tunnel in our backyard

During Takahe Learning Through Play, the children made their own tunnel using different materials and tables. They had so much fun crawling through the tunnel! Could you make a tunnel at home? what would you use?

Monday, August 9, 2021

Outside play in Takahe

After a few stormy days, we enjoyed getting outside in the sun to play on our scooters!

Thursday, August 5, 2021

100 days at school celebrations in Takahe

 On Monday 2 August, we had a celebration for completing 100 days at school. We worked together in doing activities like showing bundles of 10's to make a 100, arrays of bommy knockers that add up to a 100, different ways of making a 100, made 100 cup cakes and 100 glasses of lemonade. It was so much fun. We had a great time learning and doing fun Math activities. 


Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Olympic Art

We love learning about 2021 Olympics. Today we learnt about the Olympic Logo and what each of the 5 colours represent.

Newsletter Term 3

Please have a read through our newsletter for Term 3 to learn about all the amazing events happening

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

3 little bears

Three little bears came to visit us at school today! Today we dressed up in our house colours for a fun day!

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Takahe is keeping our school clean and green

In Takahe we take keeping our school tidy very seriously :)

Matariki celebrations today

Kia ora e te whanau, ko tuatahi o Wēteri Kura, Ngā mihi o Matariki, te tau hou Māori, kia whakanui i a matariki. Happy Māori New Year and I hope that you will join us for the Matariki celebrations on Friday 02 July, 12.20pm. A special thanks to icebreaker , Global Hope Missions , Skids Wesley, and also our whanau and staff at WPS for supporting our Tamariki during our Matariki celebrations. We would appreciate your attendance at this event to celebrate the Maori New Year. Please RSVP with Sarah on 09 620921, if you wish to attend for catering purposes and all we require is a gold coin koha per adult to help with our new kapa haka costumes for 2021. All Wesley students will receive a free hangi and this will be served after the teams have presented. Also during the day - please visit our whanau voice display in the hall. As part of our development of language, identity and culture, we are collecting ideas and opinions about our Māori teaching and learning at Wesley Primary. We will be doing this again later in the year, focussing on the other cultures in our school. Everyone in the school is invited to get involved and share their thoughts and opinions. Hope to see you all on Friday. Nga mihi nui Lou Reddy Tumuaki

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Monday, June 28, 2021

Matariki Celebrations

Thank you everyone for coming to celebrate Matariki with us. We enjoyed learning about where the Matariki stars were and having a yummy kai.

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Check out all the fun we had this morning during Takahe Learning Through Play

Come and celebrate Matariki with us

Urgent notice to Parents and Caregivers regarding COVID-19

Urgent Notice to Parents and Caregivers regarding COVID-19 Kia ora e te whanau o Weteri Kura, As you will be aware of the visitor from Sydney who travelled to Wellington for the weekend and on return to Sydney has tested positive for COVID-19. As with previous COVID-19 lockdowns, we are extremely courageous and resilient in facing adversities and our team of 5 million can overcome this lockdown once again. We do not have any confirmed cases in Auckland or at Wesley Primary so our school is still open. Health authorities are working quickly to identify places of interest and follow up with any close contacts. It was reassuring to hear that two close contacts have already tested negative and two others have been isolating since last night. There are locations of interest listed on the Health website which will be updated if further sites are identified. As Minister Hipkins announced this afternoon, out of an abundance of caution Wellington is moving to Alert Level 2 at 6pm tonight until 11.59pm on Sunday. This includes Wairarapa and the Kāpiti Coast to north of Ōtaki. The rest of New Zealand will remain at Alert Level 1. Alert Level 1 – all of New Zealand (Auckland and Including Wesley Primary) If you have anyone in your community who was at one of these locations and at the times specified on the Ministry of Health website, they will need to follow the relevant instructions which will include staying at home and getting tested for COVID-19 (five days after last exposure to the confirmed case). For those people in a household with someone identified as a contact or close contact, they should follow the advice provided by health authorities for that individual. If unsure what to do, contact Healthline (0800 358 5453) for guidance. Everyone else will need to continue to follow the public health requirements we are very familiar with, at all alert levels: Stay home (or go home) if you are unwell. If you have cold, flu or COVID-19 symptoms, stay home and call your doctor or Healthline on 0800 358 5453 to see if you need a test. Wear face coverings on public transport and domestic flights, and you are encouraged to do the same when travelling by taxi or similar. Keep up your good hygiene practices (washing hands, cough/sneeze etiquette). Keep track of where you have been. We will continue to work with the Ministry of Education and Health to provide support, and further guidance about COVID-19 is on our website here Thank you for being kind and nga mihi nui for your kia manawanui at this time for each other and the people in Wellington. We will continue to have the Matariki Celebrations next week until further notice or if we move to higher alert levels then it will be postponed. Yours sincerely, Lou Reddy Tumuaki - Principal

Monday, June 21, 2021

Takahe Learning Through Play

This morning during Takahe Learning Through Play, the children loved exploring everything that was outside. They worked collaboratively and used kind words. What a fun morning

Monday, June 14, 2021

Takahe Assembly week 7

On Friday 18th June, Takahe will be hosting the assembly and children will be performing the rain dance. Please come and celebrate your childs learning with us. Assembly starts at 12.30pm See you all there

Sunday, June 13, 2021

Takahe Learning Through Play

Rainy days in Takahe

Inquiry- Planet Earth and Beyond

This Term our Inquiry is Planet Earth and Beyond. Have a look through our slides and complete some of these fun activities at home with your family

Keeping our School clean and green

We are becoming eco warriors! In Takahe we are taking responsibility for our environment by picking up our rubbish and putting it in the bin. Discuss with your child why we pick up rubbish, why it is good for our environment and where the rubbish goes.

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Monday, April 12, 2021

Term 1 Trip

Today we went to the Markets to buy yummy fruits to make a fruit salad at home. What a fun trip