Tuesday, August 17, 2021

message from Mr Reddy

Kia ora e te whanau, As you may be aware Auckland and New Zealand is under alert level 4 https://covid19.govt.nz/alert-levels-and.../alert-level-4/ from tonight midnight (Auckland for 7 days). I know that by going into a lockdown, it may be distressing for some but I want you to all know that I believe in our hapori-community as we have overcome this together before. Also by going into another Level 4 lockdown, we will be saving lives and stopping the spread of COVID19 - a possible Delta variant. The school will be closed tomorrow for 7 days, we will be email and post on our website about distance learning and I am sure teachers will be in contact via Class Dojo and email by tomorrow morning on our team sites - http://www.wesleyprimary.school.nz/classes I want to thank you all again for your courage and resilience during these times and please know that we are here to support our tamariki and whanau. We encourage you to visit the following site for guidance on talking to our tamariki about COVID19- https://www.education.govt.nz/.../talking-to-children.../ We will also be organising kai, learning packs and devices but we will await Ministry of Education directions about this. As always please show manaakitanga during this time and please do email me on principal@wesleyprimary.school.nz as needed. Aroha nui Lou Reddy and Wēteri Kura

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