Saturday, July 23, 2022

 Kia ora whanau

Welcome back to school for Term 3! 

We are looking forward to having all of our students back at school every day this term.Last term we said farewell to Lilly Kuhn. This term we welcome Sarah Te Tai and Monique Humphrey to Takahē team. Whaea Sarah will be with us from Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays and Ms Humphrey on Thursdays and Fridays. Mrs Krystal Murray will also be with us every Wednesday. 
Our Covid Health and Safety protocols are below, we are currently at Orange level.  Please feel free to come to the class spaces and meet with us before and after school. 
Our Takahē Cafe is open this term in Room 8 from 8.30am to 9am every day.  Please come with your child and join us for Breakfast Club, music and stories. We are looking forward to sharing a cup of tea or coffee and having a chat with you.  This term we will be sending home learning activities each week so please help your child to bring their Home Learning Journals and Book bags to school every day.
The Slide deck below has links to each week's planning. There are also lots of learning activities on the Distance Learning page of this website site. We share student learning on Class Dojo every day and on our Takahē and Mathematics blogs. Please email me if you need a code to register for Class Dojo.
You can email me at if you have any questions about your child's learning or need help of any kind. Looking forward to a great term,
Nga mihi nuiHeidi Rose, Takahē Team Leader

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